Mock Medical Examination for +1 and +2 level medical candidates aiming for AIIMS, AIPMT / NEET – All India Pre-Medical Tests

Mock AIPMT / AIEEE 2012 Results of Test held on 25 Dec 2011

Please enter your Mock 2012 Roll No in the field and press ENTER:

Topper Marks
AIEEE+2 213
AIEEE+1 174
AIPMT+2 684
AIPMT+1 311

AIEEE Rank Projector for +2 Level Candidates only:

Marks AIR
>310 1-500
285-310 500-1000
272-284 1001-1700
255-271 1701-2700
243-254 2701-4000
231-242 4001-5000
219-230 5001-6500
206-218 6501-8000
192-205 8001-10000
180-191 10001-12000
162-179 12000- 15000
150 – 161 15001- 17500
135-149 17500-24000
121-134 24001- 32000
110-120 32001- 38000
101-109 38001- 45000
91-100 45001-56000
81-90 56001-70000
71-80 70001-87000
57-69 87001- 157000
45-56 157001-300000
<45 >300000
Mock AIEEE - AIPMT students taking the test at one of the examination halls on 25th December 2011.

Mock AIEEE / AIPMT Results on 3rd January, 2012

The results of Mock AIEEE / Mock AIPMT held on 25th December, 2012 will be declared on 3rd January, 2012 on this website itself.


Mock AIEEE - AIPMT students taking the test at one of the examination halls on 25th December 2011.

25 Dec. 2011. AIEEE and AIPMT aspirants taking the Mock 2012 at one of the Examination Halls.

Earlier the results were to be declared on 31st but due to delay in receipt of Answer-sheets from other states (Bikaner-Rajasthan in particular), the results are delayed.

The examination was conducted at various centers across north India and as many as 5300 candidates appeared for the same.

Meanwhile, last date to register for Mock IIT JEE has been extended to 10th January and 1000-Page JEE Kit is still being provided to fresh registrations without any late fee. You may call 9876524333 to register for the Mock JEE.

Those of you who are taking AIEEE as an online test can visit for details and registration for Online AIEEE All-India Test Series.

Wish you all the best!

Mock 2012 AIEEE-AIPMT and Mock IIT JEE Rescheduled

Dear friends,
After having received several requests from parents and students that their syllabi have not been completed – we are hereby rescheduling the tests as per the following details:

Mock JEE

Last date for Registration: 31 Dec 2011

Last date for Registration with late fee of Rs. 150/-: 10 Jan 2012

Mock JEE: 22 Jan 2012


Last date for Registration: 30 Nov. 2011

Last date with late fee of Rs. 100/-: 10 Dec 2011

Mock AIEEE / AIPMT: 25 Dec 2011

Online Mock AIEEE: 15 to 20 Jan 2012

HURRY for Registrations!!! Since limited sets of FREE Kit (being given on First-Come, First Served Basis) are left…

Daily Post News Item - PEC extends date for Mock AIEEE Registration - 2 Nov 2011

PEC Team extends date for Mock AIEEE and Mock AIPMT Registration – The Daily Post, India

Mock AIEEE on Nov 20 – The Tribune, Chandigarh – 8 Nov. 2011

Students of the PEC University of Technology will host a mock AIEEE/AIPMT on November 20. The convener of the test, Piyush Bhargava, a second-year student of mechanical engineering, informed that a team of approximately 50 coordinators from first and second year are involved in the conduct of the examination.
(News in the Tribune, Chandigarh)

Last Date without late fee extended till 14 November 2011 for Mock AIPMT & Mock AIEEE

Since several students were unable to register themselves due to the festive season and holidays, we have decided to extend the last date for Mock AIEEE and Mock AIPMT to 14th November, 2011.
Please call 9876524333 for doorstep registrations in selected cities.

HT News for PEC Mock AIEEE Mock AIPMT 20 Nov 2011

Mock AIEEE, Mock AIPMT by PEC – News in Hindustan Times – 20 Oct 2011

PEC to Organize AIEEE & AIPMT Mock Tests:

Admit Card AIEEE AIPMT 20 Nov. 2011

Mock 2012 to be Biggest Ever Mock Test in India

The team of PEC & IIT students and alumni is ready to Launch the registrations (starting 1st October, 2011) for Mock 2012 – AIEEE / AIPMT Examinations. It is being estimated that this year’s Mock test would be the single largest Mock Test in India with around 50,000 students are expected to appear in it. We are sharing a copy of the ADMIT Card and other important information here:

Important Dates:

  • Registrations Start: 26 September, 2011
  • Last Date: 31 October, 2011
  • Date of Examination: Sunday, 20 November, 2011

SMS Helpline: +91 9876524333

For Doorstep Registrations, SMS ‘MOCK 2012′ to +91 9876524333

Convenor: Piyush Bhargava. 2nd Year Mechanical Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

Mock Test Results declared for +1 & +2 Medical (AIPMT) and Non-Medical (AIEEE)

Results of Mock AIEEE / AIPMT test held on 27 March 2011 at various centers across the region  have been declared. They were delayed a bit due to the ongoing sessional exams at PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh.

To check your result, click here and write your roll without initial zero (e.g. 0123456 should be written as 123456) in the box provided and hit enter.

A total of 13782 students appeared for this test.

We wish all the best to all candidates for their real entrances!

Edit: +1 Results have also been declared.

the pioneer press cutting

Mock AIEEE / AIPMT Organised